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A little bit about me.

My name is Kylie McLean (she/her) and I'm logging in from Alberta, Canada. 


Professionally my background is as a registered dietitian, though my career path so far has not stuck to a traditional dietitian route. After graduating from the University of Alberta I practiced in the area of chronic disease management with Alberta Health Services at various outpatient clinics for about a year. Though short, this time in outpatient care had a meaningful impact on the high value I put on disease prevention and health promotion in optimizing the health and well-being of individuals and communities. My next career step was to a health promotion role with the Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan, who is the benefits provider for the public education sector in Alberta. For almost four years I facilitated general health workshops and consulting to school boards in Alberta in support of the health and wellness of teachers and other education staff.


For the past five years I having worked in the role of Well-being Advisor in the Human Resources department of a local municipality, Strathcona County. My role includes leading and coordinating workplace health promotion strategies for our approximately 2200 municipal staff. It is certainly a growing field of health promotion, as there are increasing expectations of employers to support the health and well-being of their staff. I am always looking to network and learn more about this field!


This ePortfolio is created for course requirements within the Athabasca University, Master of Health Studies Program, but it may just live beyond. 


- Kylie

Image by Mae Mu
Image by Mae Mu
Image by Jonathan Pielmayer







Image by Olena Sergienko

Positionality Statement

As a white, cisgender, millennial, middle-class, and university-educated health promotion student, I recognize that my positionality shapes my perspectives and interactions in the field of health promotion. I acknowledge that my background affords me with certain privileges, such as access to resources, education, and opportunities, that may not be available to all individuals, especially those from marginalized communities. I strive to ground my learning of health promotion foundations with an awareness of these disparities and am dedicated to spotlight the experiences of individuals from diverse and underserved backgrounds. I commit to learning and listening with humility, participate in critical self-reflection, and challenge my own biases in order to foster more inclusive and equitable health outcomes for all populations.

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